In Everything Give Thanks ~1Thessalonians5:18~

A New Chapter

This is my first Blog ever and i’m pretty excited as I’ve always had an itch to write… Yesterday a buddy of mine (Lenn) was over at my place and to kill time we decided to show each other a bunch of youtube videos that we liked… He showed me what I think might be the one of my favorite speeches of all time…Which I’ve also posted. It really got me thinking about life and how we as people sometimes start taking things for granted. I know most of us have been through a lot in our lives, sometimes for the good and sometimes for the bad… but why is it that we remember the bad more than the good? Is it because with the bad its left an empty feeling inside of us in which we try so hard to get rid of but can’t? With the bad times good things eventually come out of it… sometimes in a day and others in a lifetime. After a night out on the town with some friends, Morgan and I sat outside and talked about religion faith and just life itself.  We discussed the topic of believing that everything happens for a reason. Now is it that we can just sit here and expect good things to happen to us? Is believing in God and loving Jesus enough… but what about those who maybe have lost their faith a little over the years… they are still Gods children does it mean they can’t glorify and shine in the same light as the ones who have kept strong with their faith? The way I look at it, i do believe that everything happens for a reason, but we cannot simply just sit here and expect good things to happen, whether you’re a believer or not. I believe that no matter what we do (right or wrong) we don’t know if its the right or wrong choice. We choose to either go one way or another… but no matter what way we go there is always going to be another choice at the end of that road and from that choice its going to lead yet to another choice its almost never ending, and eventually this road is going to lead us to who we were always meant to be in the end… this is the road I like to call LIFE. So to answer that question yes everything does happen for a reason and in the end everything is going to be perfect… but perfection for one person, is not always perfect for another… that’s the beauty of LIFE. Our LIFE is going to be perfect in the end because of the right and wrong decisions that we have made along this beautiful road. How do we learn what is right and wrong without ever making any mistakes in our lives?  Mistakes are part of our lives which sometimes just does not seem fair, but that’s the beauty of Grace. In the end though we should be THANKFUL for everything that we have in our lives and should be thankful for everything that’s happened in our lives because everything in the end does happen for a reason! “In EVERYTHING give THANKS for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus” ~1Thessalonians5:18~ 

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