In Everything Give Thanks ~1Thessalonians5:18~

Time Flies when you’re having fun! (Summer 2012)

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And just like that Summers over =( there’s no doubt that it was quite the summer here in Eau Claire… and yes I missed my Mommy quite a bit because she’s always been there for me when I needed! But wow I couldn’t have been blessed with a better summer! Starting with my Job… I literally ran around with kids all day  and just had fun… the best part was I got paid for it =) Next I’d like to mention the people who I spent most days with other than my awesome Special Pops Crew! My dude Lenny… my man idk what I would have done without you brother… it had been since high school since we last really hung out and it was soo much fun catching up over the summer and literally becoming friends again! Honestly… golfing… tennis… macker… and just chillin.. way to legit bro! Love you bro! Enjoy stout my dude! Next Chelsea… you no doubt were literally a life saver when it was 90 for like a week and a half with your AC loved it! Thanks for introducing me to frozen yogurt… that stuff is legit…I guess I could throw in your roommate Katie too haha… but it was great having my dude Kevin up here often… and well… at times things got wild… a trip to the ER never hurt anyone… but it was awesome having you up here bro! Still wanna come down to LSU no doubt! And of course my girls Morgs, Gina, Alexa… that crazy game you’ve introduced me too… haha thats all I can say about that… but it was legit becoming even closer with you all over the summer… its funny that we’ve only known each other for a little bit, but mores to come in this no doubt! My other crew Steph Oozzer and Brittney… my life wouldn’t be the same without you guys! It sucks we didnt see each other much.. but when we did we made it count! And to everyone else who I saw a few times here and there… I love you too! Overall summer was awesome… it was sad to know that just like that… went my last summer of being a college kid… i’ve learned many things over these last few years…but the most important is to never be afraid of starting a new chapter in your life… yea friends come and go… stuff happens here and there… you grow taller… or bigger lol… lose a little hair… or a lot in my case haha but this is whats supposed to happen… accept the things that we’re blessed with… some things may take longer than others… but know that in the end… it’s all just another chapter in our life… and one day this crazy book is gonna come to an end… so enjoy the book while you can… don’t race through it…show some emotion here and there…make that Fairy tail ending that we all want! So Long summer of 2012… you’ve been amazing and this chapter is now complete! God Bless =)

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